61 x 61cm
For many years I have listened to the Shipping Forecast* on BBC Radio 4 while painting in the studio.
So many visuals were conjured while thinking about the area of sea known as ‘Finisterre’ and its translation, that of the ‘end of the earth’. During the creation of this painting there was a clear geographical reference to the south coast of England, the English Channel and the north coast of Europe. The term ‘Finisterre’ is no longer used in the forecast and due to my passion for words, I can’t see the replacement name of ‘FitzRoy’ inspiring or becoming a painting title.
*Signalling the beginning and end of each day and loved by listeners far and wide, far exceeding those who rely on the information for survival, the Shipping Forecast is a quirky romantic British daily broadcast. Unchanging and inferring visual images far beyond the words themselves, the melodic incantation sound like prayers or poetry; as evocative as it is specific. The Shipping Forecast enchants those on land, usually listening safely tucked up in bed, half asleep, (or their studio) and ties us to our Island nation, our rich maritime history and those who are out in all weathers on our behalf, braving stormy seas and gale force winds.